true entrepreneur


It is possible to be in love with your business ……….

te_brandhothouse-squareFOR YOU IF:

>>You’ve built a business and found some success but the “work” of your business is not the meaningful contribution you are longing to make

>> Business & Bliss begins with a deep exploration of your desires, needs and inspiration.

>> A “Bliss” business is born from embracing your “Big Why”, then matching it with a group of people you are highly motivated to serve and see succeed.  You then meet their needs with what you already know from either “book learning”, experimentation or lived experience.  Together, you create a transformations.

>> If you want a BLISS BUSINESS 2 things can happen:

– you can refocus (or rebrand) your existing business to incorporate your newly articulate purpose OR

– you can found a new venture (initially “on the side”) as a vehicle for your growth and deepening desire to contribute in more meaningful way.


>> A deeply satisfying, heart led process, where we start by identifying what you (really, really) want.

>> An unhurried exploration of who it is you want to serve and what they are currently experiencing.  We develop some preliminary insights about this group.

>> We match your “how” (your existing, knowledge, gifts and lived experience) with demand from the client side.

>> We craft all this into a compelling positioning and float a preliminary offer for testing

>> We approach this with calm, assured energy and make space for something amazing to emerge.  This new container will be the highest expression of your contribution and your great work in the world.

>> When we’ve found this compelling vision (your “North Star“) we plan the process to bring it to life.  We consider at length how to do this in a sustainable way alongside existing commitments

>> Purpose Pivot is like “Ducks in a Row” for experienced business owners who are at a cross roads.  Having identified your North Star, the second part of the program includes my Branding from the Inside Out process from “Brand in a Billion”,  a methodology to extract your teaching content from”What the Hell Will I Sell” and develop your core message – from “On Point Positioning”.

>>  Purpose Pivot will birth your heart’s Brand – born of your deepest desire to contribute to the lives of others – built from the inside out to take it’s place in the world.


te-cate-ducks-330>>  True Entrepreneur is my “Bliss Business”.  I had a big business that I couldn’t love, so with this one, I built from my heart to make a meaningful contribution to the lives of others.

>> It is me doing my right and true work that is deeply aligned with who I am.

>> It is being designed ground up to sustain me into the future, with a flexible platform, which gives me room to move in a number of directions.

>>  It isn’t anyone else’s business, it is mine.  In this business I can show up and talk about the things that matter deeply to me.  And do work that is aligned to my highest value.  It is an enormous privilege and I’m well aware of how fortunate I am.


>> My super power is facilitation. I will meet you right where you are and give you support and tools to steer yourself into your Sweet Spot.  We will intentionally design a business that you can love forever.

>> You can start with as little as a few hours a week to bring it into being.

>> I know you’ve got SO MUCH good stuff just waiting to be “whispered” into being.  Often, all it takes is another set of ears and eyes – some structured thinking and a large spoonful of encouragement for it to emerge in all it’s glory.

>> I don’t teach tactical marketing, I specialise in strategy  – the intersection of creativity and commerce.  We will work our way through all the decisions (in sequence) that need to be made before your successful launch.

>> This is a “readiness” plan – you’ll be able to hit the ground running with audience building, because you’re leaping in from a solid strategic platform


>> Possibly like you, I have a big business that doesn’t thrill me, although I am very proud of it.  Whilst I worked my backside off for years in my “big business” –  it is now systematized to such an extent I’ve been able to leave it in someone else’s capable hands.  It pays me over 6 figures a year to live at the beach, play with my dogs , write my content and help my clients.  I’m in an ideal situation (though it took a lot of decisions and effort to get here).

>> The point is, I know what it takes to build a real business.

>> AND before I was an entrepreneur, I was a business strategist and consumer insight manager for Australia’s leading companies and biggest advertising agency.  So, I know how billion dollar brands do their R&D.  I’ve adapted these discipline for entrepreneurs (and boot strapper research budgets).

>> In the 4 years I’ve been researching, developing and testing this business model I’ve identified the ducks (decisions) that need to be attended to and put them in the order that makes the most sense for the most people.

>> As I mentioned earlier, my super power is facilitation.  I studied idea generation extensively …. I start broad and use clever creativity techniques to generate a bunch of great options. With a wealth of amazing ideas we pause to harvest, evaluate and drill down.  It’s a generative, rich, empowering process which will give you a lot of confidence.

>> One more thing, I’m not a coach, I’m a strategist, an idea generator, a problem solver, a way shower and a framework addict. I’m business model agnostic, I want you to be able to evaluate your options from a clear eyed place and design the L.I.F.E. business that will work for you (and that will be different for everyone).

>> I’m also a kind person and when you get a bit lost, stuck or scared (because you will), I promise to hold out my hand and guide you back into the light.

Hi, I’m Cate – I help know how entrepreneurs (like you) find their way into the market and get their ducks in a row. They launch with confidence and their offers hit the mark.

My specialty is strategy – skillfully guiding clients through the decisions that must be made ahead of any “stellar launch.”

I draw on 20 years experience as a business strategist for the big end of town PLUS another 10 years in the entrepreneurial salt mines.

I built a big business that didn’t make me happy, so I left it in capable hands and am building this one straight from my heart.

I came to Cate with a mess of ideas and she knew exactly how to turn these into a business plan. She added structure and helped me think things through. Who would my ideal client be? What would I offer? How would I charge for it? How would I promote my business?

After working with Cate, I had a plan and well thought out business idea that I felt was really going to work. Cate helped connect me with other professionals to create my website and logo and once all this was done, she also put me in touch with potential clients.

I now have a successful business that ticks all of the boxes. I can pay the bills whilst still spending time with my little girl. I feel so grateful that I met Cate at the right time as none of this felt possible without her vision, structured thinking and advice. (Not to mention writing skills!)

Jenny White

Jenny White Calls



1-1 VIP DAY – In Person: 

Full day program (Sydney or Wollongong)
3 months of support, including 3 x 45 minute follow up calls to iterate product development

A$1,199 plus expenses to max $250.


1-1 VIP DAY Online – Via Zoom: 

3 x 2 hour livestream sessions (including exercises)

3 months of support, including 3 x 45 minute follow up calls to iterate product development



Structured Program Completed 1-1 – Via Zoom: 

Reading and preparation materials
9 x 45 minute sessions over 10 weeks
Email support continues for 6 weeks to launch
