[VIDEO TEXT] Hi Cate here, this is the download page for the Sweet Spot workbook. I’m excited for you – finding your Sweet Spot won’t take long and afterwards you’ll feel so much clearer and ready to move forward.
We start with your “what” – stuff you already know, things you already do. We then spend some reflective time on your “why”. What is driving you, why are ready to take this leap into the unknown? It takes some courage, and there will be tough times – so you need to have a powerful motivation to stay the course.
Now, you can’t create a business in a vacuum, you need customers. So the demand side of the equation (because) is fulfilled by the “who”. Who needs what you have? Who will pay for it? What do you know about them and what more do you need to know? Where are they? How will you connect with them?
Then comes the fun part, exploring the intersections and combinations that hold the most excitement and potential for you. This is where some people’s heads spin a little because they have too many threads. Others get a bit stumped.
So if that is you, I make this additional offer to do a Sweet Spot Live Session. In just 45 minutes via zoom we can work through your opportunities and reduce your assumptions. I will give you a fresh perspective (as an experienced entrepreneur) and define a Sweet Spot that will anchor your business.
I’ve made it a very special price of AUD$99 (because I love doing it) – if you click through the button at right you can book and pay!